Bulk handling safety is a crucial part of the bulk material industry. This is because it helps ensure that processes are carried out safely and effectively. All people involved with the supervision of material handling processes must be aware of existing risks and be committed to taking the necessary safety measures.
Without proper care, several risks exist in moving, handling, and storing bulk materials. Some of these are tripping and foot injuries from material stored haphazardly or in the wrong place. There’s also the risk of pests and rodents getting comfortable amongst accumulated materials, leading to health issues. Depending on the nature of the items in storage, there’s also a risk of explosions and fires which may cause property loss and injury. It’s important to prioritize best practices in bulk handling safety.
Tips for Preventing Accidents
Regular Maintenance
It’s of the utmost importance that the necessary measures be taken to minimize the risk of accidents. One of these measures is performing regular inspections of equipment. This should be followed with routine maintenance to ensure that every piece of equipment functions exactly as it should. When equipment works properly, there’s a lower chance of an operator getting injured when they use it the right way.
Proper Training
Operators need to have proper training so that they can handle the equipment well in the first place. As a result, it is critical to hold training sessions and refresh them at regular intervals. This can help everyone know the right way to do their job and avoid getting into an accident.
Proper Signage
It’s important to have proper signage in facilities that handle bulk material. Clear communication can go a long way toward helping people stay safe as they work and move around the facility.
Best Practices for Emergencies
Creating a Comprehensive Emergency Plan for Accidents
Since accidents may not always be possible to prevent, it’s a good idea to be prepared for the rare cases when they happen, even as you take measures to prevent them. To this end, it’s important to have a comprehensive emergency plan in place. This should have details of the steps to take in case of an accident. With this, it may be possible to provide first-aid and other relevant assistance to someone who gets injured.
Preparing for Spills and Leaks
It’s also a good idea for workers to know how they should handle certain situations. Things such as spills and leaks, for instance, need to be cleaned up as soon as possible. The right cleaning agent and method must be applied to prevent injury in the process. As such, it’s a good idea to have the necessary cleaning equipment within easy access.
Regular Drills and Safety Training
Regular drills can go a long way in helping to prepare for emergencies. These will pair well with regular training on safety. When everyone knows what to do in case of an accident or emergency, it may be possible to minimize issues from taking the wrong steps.
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal protective equipment is a must-have in a bulk-handling facility. This is because it’s the first line of protection for the workers in the area and can help them avoid several potential injuries.
Types of Personal Protective Equipment
There are a few types of PPE that are generally required in bulk-handling facilities.
- The first one is eye protection, which includes safety goggles and face shields. These protect a user’s face and eyes from hot, corrosive, or sharp things.
- The second type is foot protection, which includes steel-toed boots. These helps prevent injuries from heavy or sharp falling objects.
- The third type of PPE is hand and arm protection, which includes gloves of different types.
All these should be present in a bulk handling facility within easy access of the operators and clearly labeled.
For personal protective equipment to be effective, it needs to be used the right way and properly maintained at all times. Eye protection must adequately cover the eye area and not have any gaps or cracks that could allow hazardous material near the eye. Hand and foot-protective equipment should also be whole and fit properly to provide ample protection. To maintain PPE, it must be stored correctly, and reusable PPE must be cleaned thoroughly before being stored for future use. Any missing parts must be replaced with manufacturer-approved parts to maintain the integrity of the PPE.
Regular PPE inspections are an important part of safety since wear and tear are to be expected. By keeping PPE in the facility clean and good condition, you’ll be improving the safety of the people using it. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s outlined care and replacement instructions. Never mix old and new PPE in the same storage space to avoid the risk that comes with someone using worn-out personal protective equipment. This will help improve the efficacy of PPE and validate your efforts in availing it.
To improve the safety of bulk handling in your facility, put these best practices to use. Make sure that everyone is well informed about their storage location and method of use. When you do this, you lower the risk of an accident in the facility considerably. Reach out to Sodimate for a variety of bulk handling systems that can enhance the operations of different industries. We are a reputable manufacturer that offers high-quality equipment and prioritizes safety and efficiency.